Join us at UEIE on 6th & 7th of July 2021 in Marseilles!


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    Join us at UEIE on 6th & 7th of July 2021 in Marseilles!

    But what is UEIE?
    The Université d'Eté de l'Internationalisation des Entreprises is the moment you offer to yourself for high level brainstorming and exchanges between companies, speakers and co-organizers (OSCI Les Entrepreneurs de l'International, La Fabrique de l'Exportation, BPI France, Adepta, CCI France Int'l, CCEF, Medef Int'l).

    Covid is a crisis. Crisis - as per the Greeks - is change. Opportunity or danger?
    William Ury, from Harvard Negotiation Project, tells you "Go to the Balcony", in other terms, "step back and think" and I would add "Exchange with your peers" or as sport athletes say "call the team".

    Numerous workshops are planned following three major axis:
    🔸 Understand the new market dynamics.
    🔸 The key-factors to benefit from 2021-2030 growth.
    🔸 Transform your company to win the 2021-2030 world competition.

    So what are you expecting ? Just register 🍀!

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