OSCI Winter University 2022


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    Lyon in France
    7th and 8th of January 2022
    OSCI Winter University 2022

    Flashback on a very rich and savory January start with our OSCI Federation Winter University ✨✨✨ !

    On 7th and 8th of January, we met in Lyon to:
    🔸 Share our expertise on International Development
    🔸 Brainstorm on how to improve our practices
    🔸 Generate new collaborations for the benefit of our customers
    🔸 Train for more excellence
    🔸 Share our experiences, success and failures
    🔸... and have fun !

    Further to the experience feedback of the Gazelles de l'OSCI about their fantastic Rallye des Gazelles 2021 in the desert, a new project is born: 4 teams of 3 "gazelles OSCI" will participate in the Trek-In Gazelles in November 2022 🍀!
    Happy and proud to be a member of OSCI - Les Accélérateurs du développement international🌍↗ ✨ !

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